Workshops for SCHOOLS
Shakespeare can be brought down from the ivory tower of the Academy.
Shakespeare can transcend the classroom.
All good teachers know this.
Often you have very little time to prepare.
Let us help you.
School workshops bring Shakespeare’s world and words to life.
Focusing on language, literature, drama, and history.

We ZOOM in on the play you are studying.
The play is put into theatrical, historical context.
The students take on character ROLES,
and re-enact the play’s story.
Workshops can be made to fit classrooms,
or combine several classes in a lecture hall.
We welcome and encourage post-show student and teacher reviews.
William’s entertaining, informative and interactive session
was the perfect ice-breaker for our Introduction to Shakespeare unit.
In a 90-minute session, William demonstrated a range of plays and characters.
After sharing some tricks-of-the-trade, William had our students
queuing up for the karaoke finale! Without doubt, mission accomplished!
Karl Bates
English Teacher, International School Hilversum, The Netherlands.

More Feedback from other schools:
* Thanks again for doing a fantastic job, I really enjoyed your energy and enthusiasm (Beth Flintoff Outreach Director The Watermill Theatre UK)
* The content was just right for our pupils. A great blend and mix of history, superstition, comedy and physical performance. (Mrs R Hine MA, Head of Learning Resources, Berkhamstead School, UK)
*Vorig jaar is William bij ons op Jacob van Liesveldt geweest voor workshops met 4-havo (tto). Dat is ons uitstekend bevallen. (Drs. I.O.M. Oskam, Coordinator Bilingual Department, Penta College, NL)
*Wij hebben er ook erg van genoten en willen je ZEKER volgend jaar weer vastleggen! ( Miranda van den Brink Activiteiten coordinator, Veluws College Walterbosch, NL)
Workshops for ACTORS
The SHAOKE Bootcamp introduces you to the art of speaking Shakespeare’s verse.

Do you know the difference between your Verse & Prose?
Is it Iambic Pentameter or Banana Contaminator?
Is the verse blank or rhyming?
Do you know your quatrain from your couplet?
Does it matter?
You can expect:
*Stick work
*Voice warm up
*Verse exploration as a group
*Sonnet work as a group
*Individual sonnet work and presentation

SHAOKE Bootcamp always works towards performance.
Physical work is about awareness and open for all body types.
Vocal work is about awareness and your voice.
Mind work is about Shakespeare’s effect and affect on you.
You do the work.
A Testimonial from Erin Jo Harris:
William Sutton one of the WORLD’S top experts in performing and teaching Shakespeare.
Eric Rasmussen of the RSC Folio & and Paul Prescott – University of Warwick,
both know him well & and agree he’s as good as the best!
My private coaching session with Mr Sutton is a huge reason I landed
the role of Rosaline in LLL this summer in Prague.
Do yourself a favor and STUDY WITH THIS MAN!!!